Thursday 20 October 2011



In general, the Internet is a global network that connects more than one user from around the world that allows the exchange of information occurs. The Internet is a network (network) that connects international computer organizations and people around the world. Internet allows the integration of information systems within the organization and enhance communication. It re-established way of doing business and how to deliver value to customers. The onset of the Internet is for USA defines system for a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union in the Cold War and not global like now. The idea is based on the network has no central authority which consists of several nodes that can deliver and receive messages. Message is in the form of packets with a destination address. Then he developed and expanded the use of only the relations linking the two companies throughout the world. Internet technology in Malaysia started in 1993 and continued to grow until now estimated more than 45.000 customers.

The Impact of Information Technology on Work and Society

Information technology is the technology used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information. The technology is any mechanism capable of processing this data.
Kathleen Guinee wrote, “By information technology, I mean the tools we use to perform calculations, to store and manipulate text, and to communicate. Some of these twentieth century tools include:

the adding machine, slide rule, and calculator for performing calculations, the typewriter and word processor for processing text, and the telephone, radio, and television for communicating.”

Other than that is “the way we work”. The elements of this phrase can be split up into two main considerations, e.g. what we mean by the way and how we define work. The “way” will be defined for the purposes of this report as the processes that are used by individuals or organisations. “Work” shall be defined as when we apply the processes to accomplish some arbitrary task.

The definition for “general society” is, general society can be defined as “a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interests.”
The definition of “technological developments” is any improvement to the mechanism used to “store, manipulate, distribute or create information”. This will be achieved by highlighting only those developments that have influenced “general society”

1.       Impact of developments
How has the development of information technology influenced the common traditions of a society? 
“An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behaviour (as a religious practice or a social custom).Cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions.”
The influence of information technology on religious practices has mainly been to the effect of making information about them more accessible. The most relevant question though is whether the developments in information technologies have influenced the continuity of social attitudes, customs or institutions. 
How has the development of information technology influenced the cultural continuity of general society? (E.g. of social attitudes or customs). 
Social attitudes have changed with the effect that citizens of a society now expect the various elements of that society to be better informed than previously. They also expect to be able to access more information about a specific product, service or organisation so that they can make informed decisions with regard to their interactions with that entity.The word institutions can incorporate a wide variety of organisations. 
The four organisation that can be examine is : 
·         Governments, 
·         Commercial businesses, 
·         News & Media organisations, 
·         Educational organisations.

The influence which information technology development has had on these areas will be mainly focused on how the technology has “improved” the processes by which the institution accomplishes its task or goal.

2.       Governments
How has the development of information technology influenced the way Governments operate? 
The “government” of a nation will be comprised of many varied institutions. However developments in information technology have helped governments to improve their “service” to their citizens. Advances in Database technology for example have enabled the governments of various countries to collate and monitor statistical information that they can use to combat fraud, manage the economy in a more informed way.Information Technology has also had a major impact on the defence capabilities of governments. This covers both a government’s capability to wage war and their intelligence gathering capability. An advance in weapons technology and weapons design has increased the effectiveness of various governments’ armed forces. Information Technology has also had a major impact on a government’s intelligence agencies. Encryption of sensitive information has enabled governments to obtain added security. However attempting to decrypt information is also a major area of work for those employed by the government.Governments also have had to have a renewed care towards their sensitive information. The proliferation of Internet technologies has led to stories such as that highlighted below:
“The Web becomes the focal point of British politics as a list of MI6 agents is released on a UK Web site. Though forced to remove the list from the site, it was too late as the list had already been replicated across the Net. (15 May 1999)”. 
3.       Commercial Businesses
How has the development of information technology influenced commercial businesses? 
The advances in information technology have heavily influenced commercial businesses in several ways. The most important role of information technology in a commercial business however is to provide a commercial advantage. Advances such as computer aided design, relational database technologies, spread sheets, and word processing software all provide a commercial benefit to the business, as does automation of manufacturing processes (as Sara-Lee did in 1964). 

News & Media organizations
How has the development of information technology influenced the way news and media organisations deliver content? 
Due to the nature of news and media organisations, the information technologies have particular relevance to them. As noted earlier “Information technology is the technology used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information”. News and media organisations are intimately acquainted with each of these elements of information technology. Developments such as the Internet and satellite television have created new medium and audiences through which and to which these organisations can disseminate their information. Given the situation thirty years ago the developments that we have seen have enabled the news and media organisations access to more people, they have a wider audience. The audience however now has a wider, global choice. News reports can be received which highlight many different sides of an international conflict for example than was possible before. The relative cheapness of being able to publish information on the Internet for example means that virtually anyone can publish information accessible anywhere in the world.
 5.       Educational organisations
How has the development of information technology influenced the way educational resources are provided? 
As information technology has developed over the years, educational establishments have been influenced in various ways. The most obvious example has been the introduction of information technology related courses. These courses are introduced to try to satisfy the demand that society has for qualified people to develop these information technologies. The developments that have occurred in information technology have also had other influences on educational establishments. As was discussed earlier about news and media organisations, educational organisations also have a goal to distribute information from a source (lecturer, books, on-line resources etc.) to the student. The processes by which educational establishments distribute information have become increasingly diverse, and the effectiveness of the process has also improved.
The distribution of information is not the only concern of educational establishments. For example one of the aims of Universities is to create information. This “creation” is done by research. Information technologies have enabled researchers to access a wider source of information than previously available through such technologies as the Internet (the original ARPANET being set up primarily to assist research). The Internet and other related technologies such as electronic mail, also enable collaborative projects to be undertaken between geographically distant groups. 
The sections following that which, deal with the impact of information technology on the common traditions,
institutions and the collective activities and interests provide an analysis of how the developments impacted on the general society.It has been shown that the developments in information technology have had an impact on general society’s perception of information. Without going into specific detail about individual situations, it has been shown that that impact has been fourfold:
·         storage,
·         manipulation,
·         distribution,
·         creation.
These four areas dealing with information are the four areas in which societies perception of information has changed. As communication and information technologies have been developed, the various elements that makeup society, whether they be individuals or organisations, expect to be able to use information in ways that were not possible thirty years ago. Society expects to be able to store more than was previously conceived. Society expects to be able to manipulate the information they have for their benefit, to increase understanding and discover new relationships. Society expects to be able to distribute information quickly, efficiently and cheaply. Society now expects the creation of new information to be facilitated by these new technologies. 


From the above video, Steven Job introduces about his story. Although he did not graduated from college, but he found his interest and worked all the way that he can. He faced challenges and failure during his way. But last, he built a computer empire and became a multi-millionaire in a few years although he was fired from his own company. He never give up and came back to Apple a decade later to save it and turn it into one of the world’s most influential corporations, with millions of fans around the world. He was successful and became the CEO of Apple and Pixer Animation. 

Steven Jobs has left his mark in few industries which he created the operating system, Mac OS X, personal computers with Apple II, Macintosh and iPad, music with iPod and iTunes, phone with iPhone, and animation with Pixar. He has also contributed to the creation of the new leader in animated movies for decades to come. He has been called a fluke for years, but is now widely acknowledged as one the world’s most eminent business executives and an unrivaled visionary. He has changed millions of lives by making technology more easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful. 

In October 2011, Apple has sold over 320 million iPod devices and deemed it the "world's most popular music player.” Apple advertised that the portable media player is a way to carry "1,000 songs in your pocket." This gadget has beautiful design, its brilliant user interface and click wheel, its fast FireWire connectivity and its ability to sync with iTunes seamlessly has made it a hot seller in the world. 

Renovation technology grows faster than what we can imagine. Cell phone has becomes a daily gadget and essential for the society. Many of us could not imagine what life if they didn’t have internet, email, and chat features on their phones at their disposal. The simplest of things such as TV, movies and even video games, have also evolved and each of them offers consumers a wide array of choices and new possibilities. (Aydan Corkern, 2009) As you see, Steve Job realized the credibility of creating iPhone that can fulfill the users’s need. Its beautiful hardware ran no less than Apple’s full operating system, OS X. Its multi-touch technology, Web surfing and iPod capabilities, easy-to-use interface, and more, made it a smartphone “light-years ahead of its competition”, as Steve Jobs said.

Experts see computers getting bigger and smaller at the same time. They claim that memory for storage information in computer is getting bigger while the processing power of computers today can go into smaller and smaller devices (Mark Roth, 2006) iPad released by Apple in April 2010, and sold 3 million of the devices in 80 days. Steve Jobs clearly stated that in his opinion, iPad had started the post-PC era. He described the little device as something "magical and revolutionary." The 9.7-inch slate-like gadget offered a high-resolution multi-touch display, Apple's A4 system-on-a-chip processor and an impressive 10-hour battery. The device was offered in a Wi-Fi-only as well as in a 3G-enabled version. It is small, but its function similar as a laptop. It make people’s life more easier.

Although many will use and publicize modern technology for many achievement and advancements. But many don’t realize that it has affected society in general a negative way. Modern technology has allowed people to communicate with just about anyone they want to at any given time and although this may sound like a good thing, the fact remains that people do not interact personally with one another as often as they used to. This has created a barrier in personable, face-to-face communication amongst people because they no longer have to hold a meeting in an office. Relationship between colleagues became further.  

Products of Apple are pricy. Not everyone afford to buy, only high aim peoples get to enjoy the technology. Overall, Steve Job has change the world with technology more easy-to-use, exciting and beautiful. But at the same time, he was also creating problems to the society.

Bill Gate is the businessman that very success in his field (miscorsof), began to show an interest ini computer programming at the age of 13 with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen cant passed they’re study because they cant match what the course, after Allen drop out he moved to Boston, Massachusetts. In the summer of 1974, Gates joined Allen at Honeywell and he showed to Gate 8800 mini-computer kit of Popular Electronic magazine on article on the Altair and both boys were fascinated with the possibilities this computer could make toward personal computing. Gates and Allen contacted the company proclaiming they were working on a BASIC software program that would run the Altair computer. 

In reality, they didn't have an Altair to work with or the code to run it. But they wanted to know if MITS was interested in someone developing such software. MITS was, and its president Ed Roberts asked the boys for a demonstration. Gates and Allen scrambled, and spent the next two months writing the software at Harvard's computer lab. Allen traveled to Albuquerque for a test run at MITS, never having tried it out on an Altair computer. It worked perfectly. Allen was hired at MITS and Gates soon left Harvard to work with him, much to his parents' dismay. In 1975, Gates and Allen formed a partnership they called Micro-Soft, a blend of "micro-computer" and "software." 

In February of 1976, Gates wrote an open letter to computer hobbyists saying that continued distribution and use of software without paying for it would "prevent good software from being written. After roberts sold their company, Bill was continuously out on the road touting the merits of Microsoft software applications. 

In November 1980, IBM was looking for software that would operate their upcoming personal computer (PC) and approached Microsoft. By 1983, Microsoft was going global with offices in Great Britain and Japan, and with 30 percent of the world's computers running on its software. In early 1984, a computer company called VisiCorp developed a mouse-driven computer system that used a graphic interface to display text and images on the screen. This differed greatly from the text and keyboard driven MS-DOS system where all text formatting showed on the screen as code and not what actually would be printed. But as a marketing tactic it was sheer genius as nearly 30 percent of the computer market was using the MS-DOS system and would wait for Windows software rather than change to a new system. 

In November 1985, Bill Gates and Microsoft launched Windows; nearly two years after his announcement. In 1986, Bill Gates took Microsoft public with an initial public offering (IPO) of $21 per share and now whole of people take a microsoft to help their work and make it simple. He might not change the world, but he help to change old culture work to modern culture with microsoft. He not changing but he help world to change with their product and his experience very motivated to some of teenagers where still many opportunities to make a work event we not smart than anyone.

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